Describe the structure and functions of the various part of the mammalian brain. (20mks)

  • Cerebrum ; - Controls learning intelligence // reasoning // thought // memory / speech / vision // hearing / smell // taste// voluntary movements// movement of lips // limb // neck etc;
  • Hypotahlamus; - Controls body temperature ability to sleep and wake up // appetite // osmoregulation // secretion of hormones;
  • Pitiutary gland; - Secretes hormones like ADH / F.S.H // L.H // prolactin // oxytocin;
  • Thalamus ; -is a relay centre that integrates sensory impulses from eyes // ear // skin ; and sends the impulse to sensory cortex of cerebrum; Acc contains receptors for pain and pleasure.
  • Olfactory lobes ; Control sense of smell ;
  • Ventricles ; which contain cerebral spinal fluid which supplies food nutrients and oxygen; to tissues of brain // remove metabolic waste from brain tissues ; fluid acts as shock absorbs for the brain;
  • Optical lobes ; control movement of the eye ;
  • Cerebellum ; controls body balance // movement // posture ;
  • Medulla oblongata ; controls involuntary movement sneezing vomiting / blood circulation // breathing movement;
  • Ventricles // meninges ; for protection; enclose the brain.
  • Arachnoid layer ; secretes cerebrospinal fluid for oxygen, nutrients waste products transport // absorbs shock;


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