Discuss the various mechanisms that hinder self-pollination and self-fertilisation in plants .

  Protandry and protogyny; these are mechanisms where either the male or female parts of the reproductive organs ripen at different times in some flowers; Protandry is a case where stamens ripen earlier; and anthers release their pollen grains before the stigma is mature; while protogyny refers to a case where the stigma matures earlier; and hence becomes ready to receive pollen grains before the anthers are ready/ripe to shed the pollen grains; common in plants of the grass family; Self-sterility or incompatibility; is a case where pollen grains cannot germinate on stigma of the same plant; but only germinate on a different plant of the same species; hindering self-pollination; Heterostyly; condition of having different arrangements of style and stigma; for instance flowers could have shorter stamens than pistils; hence becomes impossible for the pollen to land, germinate and fertilise the ovules of the same flower; pistils on some flowers could also be shorter than the stamens therefore other mechanisms that hinder self-pollination are utilized; Dioecius and monoecius plants; dioecius plants have reproductive parts located separately on different plants of the same species; discouraging self-pollination; while monoecius plants have the parts located at different parts of the same plant body; encouraging cross-pollination;
 Max. 20 mks 


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